Toysmith 4M Tin Can Robot
Teach your child or students how cool recycling can be. All you need is a recycled metal can, a screwdriver and batteries (not included.)Follow the instructions, build the robot and throw the switch. It's alive ! lt wobbles and clatters around. Millions of metal drink cans are thrown away each day. Why not recycle one and make a fun robot at the same time ? Kit Includes:4 Body Rings.1 Short Leg.1 Long Leg.2 Gripper Hands.2 Straw Attachments.1 Toy Motor with Gear.1 Battery Casing with Cover and Wires (batteries not included).2 Moving Eyes.4 Bolts and Nuts.2 Terminal Caps.15 Screws.2 Plastic Feet.1 Motor/Axle Cover.1 Axle with Gear.1 Body Plate.2 Bendy Straws.2 Metal Wires.2 Eyes Base Plates
- Recycle a soda can by turning it into a silly "robot" that can move
- Requires a soda can and screwdriver-NOT included
- Kit includes parts and instructions
- Requires 2 AAA batteries-NOT included
- Great for the "science" enthusiast in your family
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